Explaining the term autonomy by itself may be a little difficult as we often link it to “the ability to do certain task” or the “capacity to achieve a task”. However, Holec (1981) refers to the term autonomy as “taking responsibility for” or “ taking control of one’s own learning”. As we can notice, the key element in the definition is the idea that autonomy is an attribute of learners instead of a learning situation. In the other hand, writers associate autonomy with different levels in which students develop action, awareness, involvement, intervention, creation and transcendence which also involve content and process. Now, with the recent growth of distance learning, the necessity of encouraging autonomous learners has growth as well, mainly because autonomy plays a crucial role in distance education. To understand the importance of autonomous distance learning, it is important to take in consideration, the virtual environment, the teacher’s role and the main characteristics of an autonomous learner.
When talking about virtual learning environment, we most take in acquaintance that distance education involves a high level of interaction between teacher and student, because interaction is essential for the learning process in a virtual environment in order to be successful. It is said that a good virtual learning environment allows both students and teachers to free themselves from the limitations of time, space and communication in a flexible way to take education to another level. Technology and internet had made this process accessible and available at any place and any time, making communication and interaction a lot easier for students and teachers to get along with the educational process. Now, despite the important role of technology in distance learning, the success of all this programs is, of course, linked directly to the student and the teacher. for this is very important to know the different tools that virtual learning offers:
- Communication: can be done by either mail, discussion board and chats, and it can be preformed one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many.
- Self assessment: which can be achieved by multiple choice tests that provide immediate feedback.
- Delivery of learning resources and materials: this can involve images, videos, audios, links to another sites or resources.
- Shared groups areas: usually known as upload and share files with the purpose of communicate and share information with others.
- Support for students: this tool could take a communication form or it could be support material to help students.
- Students tools: it could be individual web pages, drop boxes, electronic diaries, and calendars.
With the evolution of distance education also come the changes in the system of teaching, mainly because “distance education revolves around a learner-centered system with teaching activity focused on facilitating learning”. Meaning that distance education is more focused in students autonomy and teachers facilitate the environment by providing explanations, references and reinforcements for the students but encouraging them to be independent rather then just transmuting information. It is important to mention that this does not mean that the teaching function is not becoming obsolete, it means that the role of the teacher is being transformed, turning the teacher into an intermediary between students and available resources. Helping students to recognize how technology can provide greater access to education by overcoming time and distance issues. In other words, the task of the teacher goes beyond merely grading students, it involves:
-Diagnosing the student readiness to learn.
-Monitoring the student progress towards the objectives of the class.
-Recognizing and discovering the students difficulties.
-Stimulating and challenging students to go further and reach their goals.
It is known that distance learning minimizes communication between teacher and student and at the same time it imposes a high degree of structure in order for learners to met their goals, and that is why students need to achieve some level of autonomy in order to be able to meet reach all the goals expected.
To this point, it is necessary to mention the main characteristics of the autonomous student in distance education. It is said that autonomous students are centered-learning students that are viewed as independent with a high right to choose and the freedom to make decisions regarding their learning process, which empowers students to manage their time to study in an independent manner. Also, autonomous learners have the willing and have the capacity to manage and control what they need or have to learn, by knowing their own learning style and strategies, they are motivated to learn, they are usually considered as good guessers, they are also good at choosing materials, methods and tasks, organizing and caring out the chosen tasks and they pay special attention to the form and the content of the class. When students are aware of their potential and they incorporate it to their activities, that is the first step towards autonomous learning. However, sometimes being aware of their own potential is not enough to become an independent/autonomous student, because they also need to become more effective learners, and take responsibility for their own learning. They need to know when, why and how to use all those strategies they have developed in order to be able to choose the most appropriate regarding their needs.
In conclusion, it is true that autonomous learning demands capable, responsible and independent students, but it takes more than that to reach a level of autonomy to become a successful autonomous learner. We must see it as a circle, in which effective education takes place when both, teacher and student work together, in order to achieve the goals required for the course. Also, the virtual environment plays an important role in distance education, since it is necessary to know all the tools that provides us so we can take advantage of them and use them in our benefit. As mentioned before, An autonomous learner, knows his weak and strong capacities and here is when distance education helps students to reach a different level of autonomy in order to succeed not only in education, but in life itself.
*Autonomy in language teaching and learning
Phil Benson
Hong Kong Institute of education
*Helping students become Autonomous Learners: can technology help?
Rubena St. Louis
Universidad Simón Bolívar
*Distance Learning: The Role of the Teacher in a
Virtual Learning Environment
Ofra Nir-Gal
*Virtual learning environment
Ros O'Leary
Association for learning technology
*The American Journal of Distance Education,
Michael Beaudoin
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